Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, July 7, 2008

Family Fun in Gilmer

While in Gilmer, we went to lunch at Swanner's a burger joint we always stop at for a good ole burger. They are so good!! This is most of the family (Jen's taking the pic) at Swanners. Hudson enjoying chocolate cake for dessert.
Auntie Jen with Ella & me with Hudson.
After lunch at Swanner's we headed out to the Gilmer airport. Our Uncle Steve runs a museum and has lots of old jet fighters and planes. It is really neat. On this particular day, he and a few of his buddies met up to do a photo and write up in a local paper. They fly in airshows with their historic planes.

Paul, Steve, Hudson, Dad, Ryan, & Papaw
Uncle Steve has a grandson and Ella enjoyed playing in his airplane...
... and his John Deer jeep. Hudson wanted to make sure Ella was buckled in next to him. It was so precious!!
On our way back to the house, we stopped by the Farmer's Market to get some fresh goodies!!

My 4th of July baby girl!!
Nana & Ella
Ella & Matt- my cousin
There is a story behind this picture....Thad and Lacy are expecting in January. Thad is not very baby savvy....I am not sure he has even held a baby. So, we took Ella over and kind of didn't give him a choice. Lacy was holding her and she just kept crawling over to Thad. So, in a way, we started it, but Ella seemed like she was in on it to by crawling all over Thad. It was really cute and I know Thad and Lacy will be such great parents!!


Anonymous said...

Great pics, especially at the airport. You need to send Steve your blog site. I know he would enjoy seeing the pics.