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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day- in Houston.

This weekend we headed to Houston for a fun filled Father's Day weekend. The kids did pretty good on their way to Houston. Ella got a little restless toward the end of the drive, but she did okay. Saturday we spent the day in Kemah. This is a little coastal town by Galveston with a full boardwalk. It was tons of fun. We ate good food at Landry's and then enjoyed some rides with Hudson, while Sam and Nadia took Ella inside for some air conditioning. It was hot outside. Hudson was able to ride the train, the BIG ferris wheel (for the first time), and the hobby horses. He really had a good time. On the way back from Kemah, Nadia got a call that there was a gas leak in their backyard- they are getting a new fence and they hit the gas line. The gas guys came and checked the house and it was okay to be inside- it just smelled kind of bad. They told us to open the windows and air out the house. After a few hours, everything was back to normal. That is when Paul and I left the kids with Teta and Gueddo and went to visit with some good friends, Matt & Kelly Broaddous and their 15 month old daughter Darcy. She is precious!! Then we went to eat dinner. We had a great time.
As for Father's Day, we went and ate breakfast at Le Peep. It was so yummy.
We had a great time and enjoyed spending time with Teta and Gueddo.
Our family picture at Landry's for lunch in Kemah.
Hudson kept asking to ride the choo choo train. We bargained with him at lunch. You sit in your chair and eat at least one more bit of mac and cheese, then you can ride the train. Despite his facial expressions, he really did like it and wanted to go again.
Hudson really taking in everything around him on the train ride.
Enjoying the view from Hudson's first ferris wheel ride.
Hudson said, "I off" the higher up we got on the ferris wheel.
Riding the hobby horses with mommy- Hudson even got to pick his own horse to ride.
Gueddo feeding Ella while watching CARS (for the 5th or 6th time) with Hudson."Ella, don't you want to wear my hat?" Hudson asks.
Ella playing with her lovey bunny- she sleeps with it every night. She will not calm down when we put her in her bed unless her lovey bunny is with her.
Ella & Gueddo with Teta's beautiful scarf.
Teta & Hudson Le Peep for breakfast!!
Hudson & Daddy enjoying breakfast for Father's Day.
Ella had so much fun.....we just wore her out.
On a side note....Happy Father's Day to Paul, Dad, & Sam.
Paul- you are such a wonderful father to our children. They look up to you and respect you so much even at their young age. Thank you for teaching them what it is like to have a caring, loving daddy.
Dad- you are such a wonderful father to us and 'Papa' to our children. I learned at a young age what to expect from a father and a husband. You taught me the importance of respect and individual time shared with each child and with your spouse. Thank you for your influence in my life and my family's lives.
Sam- you are also such a wonderful father to us and 'Gueddo' to our children. Thank you for your continuous support and love. We are so blessed to have someone who cares for us so graciously. Thank you for teaching Paul how to be a loving husband and father.


Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures and such great memories you and your sweet family are making with the grandparents. God bless you all and always know how much we love you and especially our precious Hudson and Ella.

Anonymous said...

Amanda - Thank you for your thoughtful message and thank you for keeping us updated with the great pictures and events of the Hosni family. I love you all.

Dad & Papa

The Conway's said...

Ferris wheel ride, huh?? I can't wait to see you in a few days and squeeze Ella's cheeks!!