For those of you who don't know Ryan and Jen, they have had a long journey to becoming parents. I am not going into all the details, but little Miles is a miracle, a true gift from God.
Ryan and Jen had been trying to get pregnant for 5 years. They tired many different things. Finally they decided to forgo all treatments and last October, they found out they were pregnant.
I will never forget the night they came to tell us the amazing news. It was October 3rd, the night before Ella's first birthday. If you have kids, you know how crazy it is to plan for a first birthday, so I didn't understand when Ryan called and wanted to return a ladder he had borrowed. It was pretty late and we were sitting in our living room with Paul's mom putting together gift buckets for Ella's party. Ryan and Jen came in with and just started chatting like normal. Then Ryan said, Jen has a card for you. If you know Jen, then you know this is very normal.....she is the card queen. So, I opened it and was shocked to see a picture of a sonogram. It said, "The Little Miracle You've Prayed For" Due Date May 31, 2009. We all just cried and were so excited!!! I asked for permission to hang it on the fridge since all our friends would be over the next day and see it. Ryan and Jen agreed!!
The other part to the story is that they did not find out the gender of the baby. So, I knew when Baby D was born, I was going to be there when Ryan got to announce, "Well.....IT'S A BOY!!!! AND HIS NAME IS MILE CHRISTOPHER!!" (Christopher is Ryan's first name)
Baby Miles
New Family of Three (four including Lucy)
Hudson visiting Auntie Jen
Auntie Mandy with my new nephew, Miles.
We are so blessed every day with God's amazing love and little miracles in life.
Miles is the littlest BIG miracle in our lives today!!
Happy Birthday Little Miles!!